A safe, fair workplace

Ocab’s employees are on site around the clock throughout the Nordic region. We offer a workplace in which everyone can develop personally and professionally.

At Ocab, we are proud to employ around 2,300 people in three different countries, creating jobs and tax revenue in the societies in which we operate.

We want to be a long-term and responsible employer, and it is therefore important for us to offer a workplace with secure employment, where there are opportunities to develop and grow together with the company.

Ocab works continuously to improve conditions and circumstances for its employees.

We believe that all people are of equal value and that all employees should have the same rights and opportunities.

By seeing differences as a strength and utilising each other’s skills, we create development opportunities for all employees.

We prioritise health, the working environment, development, diversity and equal opportunity to enable all employees to achieve their full potential.

Read more about what we do in each area

Everyday heroes with the right skills

Working at Ocab means creating value for customers every day by helping them in tough situations. Ocab offers a workplace with development opportunities, and many employees remain with the company for a long time.
— Åsa Mårtensson, Head of HR at Ocab Sweden

Focus areas