Circular business model

Ocab is, and aims to be, a leader in driving sustainability in our industry by transforming the business to reduce the impact on the environment and climate. We started measuring greenhouse gas emissions under the GHG Protocol in 2019, which gave us an understanding of the climate impact of our business and opportunities for improvement.

Since 2021, we have taken a systematic approach to demonstrating the reduced emissions associated with property damage restoration services rather than demolition and new construction.

The clear connection between the choice of services and reduced emissions has created a commitment to sustainability among employees and customers alike, because the work has a positive impact on the climate.

The issue of sustainability also affects how we interact with other stakeholders and others in the industry, and we are now looking to our supply chains to demand a sustainable baseline.

The issue of sustainability also affects how we interact with other stakeholders and others in the industry, and we are now looking to our supply chains to demand a sustainable baseline.

Decoupling in progress

Ocab considers it to be of the utmost importance that economic growth does not lead to increased environmental impact.

Ocab’s emissions in relation to turnover amounted to 6.1 t CO₂e/SEK million in 2023 and 7.8 t CO₂e/SEK million in 2022 – in other words, a reduction of 20%.

Through targeted efforts in the areas where we have the greatest control, we are seeing a positive development.

We are increasing the share of electric vehicles in our fleet, opening more customer-facing offices, reducing energy consumption and signing more renewable energy contracts.

At the same time, Storm Hans contributed to a significant increase in projects in Norway, and therefore also to increased climate impact from waste and our own transports.

Read more about what we do in each area

Sustainability in practice

Customers are very interested in reducing both their own and their suppliers’ climate impact.
— Jonathan Janson, head of moisture dept, Ocab Stockholm

Ocab Go

Ocab Go is our fossil-free city office in Stockholm which we use as the base for all our inner-city projects. The entire building is run off renewable electricity and all journeys to and from projects use electric cars and electric bicycles, making its operation 100% fossil-free.

Climate targets

Ocab’s long-term target is to achieve net zero emissions of greenhouse gases with an impact on the climate by 2040.

This means reducing our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions as far as possible and by at least 90% compared to our base year.

We will invest in permanent carbon sequestration equivalent to the remaining emissions. Our target is to reduce our emissions by 63% by 2030 compared to the level in 2020

Sustainable projects

We aim to provide circular solutions and reduce emissions from our services by continuously improving our working methods and developing skills.

Since 2021, we have been reporting the climate impact of each customer project to highlight the impact of our services.

By the end of December 2023, the carbon footprint had been reported on 250,000 invoices.

In 2023, we further developed information management to provide our customers with a better summary of the annual climate impact of the projects in which Ocab was involved.

The aim is also to facilitate data collection for customers when they report their own Scope 3 emissions and to comply with EU requirements according to the taxonomy and CSRD.

Project accounting

We are currently taking more far-reaching measures on a project-by-project basis by calculating and visualising all components that cause greenhouse gas emissions in our projects.

The initiative highlights not only the climate impact but also the cost impact, which we compare with conventional demolition and restoration with new materials.

By being transparent, we want to create a broader understanding of the link between environmental and financial savings, which we hope will lead to increased demand for more resource-efficient services.

For us, calculations of projects are a natural part of working towards our goal of becoming more circular in our business model.

Annual climate report

Ocab's greenhouse gas emissions have been reported in an annual climate report since 2020.

The report forms the basis for analysis, prioritisation and future initiatives. We are thus continuously monitoring our climate impact. Since 2021, we have been affiliated with the global climate collaboration SBTi.

The climate targets we set and approved are in line with what the latest climate science considers necessary to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees.

Focus areas