Improving the efficiency of chemical use

Ocab’s chemical management is being developed using new tools and procedures. We strive to use restoration methods that exclude the use of chemicals, and we identify which chemicals are the more environmentally friendly alternatives.

Ocab’s cleaning and restoration work involves the use of chemicals. We have implemented chemical management tools since 2022 and took measures in 2023 to streamline and rationalise the use and management of chemicals.

When the process began, over 400 chemicals from around 80 suppliers were registered. Our purchasing strategy has allowed us to approach a small number of suppliers who, like us, are ISO certified.

This work gives us a better overview of which chemicals we have in use and which will be phased out, allowing us to reduce the number of chemicals for continued use from 400 to around 100.

We work with our suppliers to identify which chemicals are the more environmentally friendly alternatives.

Goals in development

In 2023 and 2024, fundamental work is being done to improve chemical management procedures. Once we have progressed further in the process, we will be able to set relevant targets for use. At present, there are no key performance indicators that enable meaningful monitoring.

Protecting employees

It is important for us to completely stop using chemicals that are harmful to health, such as those containing endocrine disruptors. To protect our employees, we have also defined a range of protective equipment.

Our employees play a key role in ensuring that chemicals are used correctly and only when other methods are inadequate, which means that training and skills development are essential. We endeavour to use alternative restoration methods that are effective, but exclude the use of chemicals.

Smart shelving systems keep track

In 2023, we tested a new ‘smart shelf’ system in some offices where chemicals that are used on a daily basis are stored.

The shelving systems record how much is taken out and returned. This increases control over what is used and how much. Where this system has been in place, there have been significant reductions in chemical use, and unused chemicals have been sorted out.

The system will also result in better, jointly planned purchases, helping to reduce transport. The shelving also helps keep track of safety regulations and expiry dates. This work has progressed well and will be harmonised across the business over time.

Read more about what we do in each area