Fossil-free transport

Ocab aims to reduce its emissions from transport by gradually replacing diesel vehicles with electric ones, avoiding unnecessary travel and moving geographically closer to our customers.

On average, transport accounts for 40-50% of emissions in our customer projects, as most of our vehicle fleet is still diesel-powered. This has an impact on the environment. The goal is for all vehicles to be fossil-free, and in 2023 an additional 150 electric vehicles were ordered.

In Stockholm, the new city centre concept Ocab Go was introduced during the year to bring Ocab physically closer to customers. Transport used for city assignments is emission-free with electric vehicles and e-bikes. This makes us more efficient, as we avoid unnecessary emissions and getting stuck in traffic jams.



In 2023, the share of electric vehicles grew from 10% to 18%, making the growth rate of emissions lower than our economic growth.

The distribution and pace of the transition to fossil-free transport varies between Ocab's geographic markets, due to national government policies and the fact that the change began at different times. In Sweden and Denmark, the vehicle policy did not take full effect in 2023, but it is likely to do so in 2024.

However, Ocab is dependent on suppliers being able to provide electric vehicles suitable for use in Ocab’s operations, which may delay implementation.

There is monthly reporting on progress and the rate of change. In addition to changing the vehicle fleet, we measure and monitor fuel consumption and the volume of greenhouse gas emissions we produce.

Fuel consumption

During 2023, Ocab Group purchased 1.8 million liters of fuel, of which approx. 1.2 million liters were purchased by the Swedish brands.

The volume of fuel has increased by 1% from 2022 - 2023 in Sweden. In Norway the total volume of fuel consumed increased, by 25% from 2022 to 2023. For Denmark, there was a 15% decrease in fuel consumption.

Initiatives of various kinds begun in 2021 and will continue moving forward; to replace fossil fuels with electricity to the greatest extent possible, as quickly as possible.


  • Our vehicle policy aims to guide and streamline the transition to a fossil-free, emission-free vehicle fleet.

  • To reduce the need for transport, we are working on the further development and wider implementation of methods for conducting video inspections and remote measurements of dehumidification projects, reducing the number of trips to and from projects.

  • Continue to develop the Ocab Go concept with centrally located offices, which allows Ocab to be geographically closer to customers in urban areas.

Read more about what we do in each area