Sustainable development with our suppliers

At Ocab, we set high standards for ourselves and work with our suppliers to ensure safety, fairness and reduced climate impact throughout the supply chain.

With our suppliers, we work to reduce emissions and we therefore manage our operations and partnerships in line with the Paris Agreement and the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.

We encourage our suppliers to calculate and report their greenhouse gas emissions under the GHG Protocol and to set science-based targets under SBTi.


  • 100%

    All suppliers will be authorised in accordance with ISO 9001 and 14001

  • 100%

    All partners will participate in the supplier survey and sign our Supplier Code of Conduct.

  • 50%

    of our subcontractors, based on purchases, to join SBTi by 2025.

Supplier engagement

In 2022, we conducted a limited survey to determine the proportion of our suppliers that had established scientific objectives with SBTi. In 2023, we expanded the survey to include over 350 of the biggest suppliers and we now estimate that 10% of suppliers have set their own targets.

Calculations were also further improved in 2023 compared to previous years, as more suppliers have reported climate data. Our suppliers' emissions calculations help us to better understand emissions in the value chain.

The responses also show us that the majority of those who participated in the survey have environmental and climate ambitions, which is positive.

Supplier assessments

In 2023, 366 of 5,000 suppliers have been assessed on social and environmental criteria, representing 39% of purchases


  • Sustainable procurement

    When procuring services and products, we aim to make conscious and sustainable choices that have a positive impact on our organisation and society at large. By using only national suppliers, we can benefit the local community and minimise transport.

    We choose suppliers that focus on sustainability and are close to our sites. Our requirements can have a direct impact on producers further down the supply chain. The Group’s Purchasing Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct are designed to serve as tools and guidance for the strategies, objectives and development of our operations.

    The policy documents are also designed to support decision-makers and provide a basis for a streamlined approach. Through our policies, we aim to ensure compliance with laws, regulations and our own requirements and approaches, and that these are firmly established within our operations.

  • Environmental improvement work

    Data from suppliers is collected and evaluated to track and measure the development of their climate impact and to prevent negative development.

    We are constantly looking for more environmentally friendly products and alternatives. The business is continuously evolving in line with the requirements and expectations of our customers, societal development and current legislation.

    In addition to continuous contractual dialogue throughout the year, we conduct an in-depth stakeholder dialogue as part of our sustainability work to understand our business environment better and to validate our strategies.

  • Supplier Code of Conduct

    Ocab demands high standards in terms of human rights, working conditions, anti-corruption, quality and the environment throughout our operations and value chain. Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws, regulations and international standards on the protection and preservation of the environment.

    We do not tolerate any form of social injustice and follow up on all suspicions that come to our attention. Suppliers must work based on a quality and environmental management system to demonstrate systematic improvement work. Data is monitored through our supplier survey, which will be expanded in 2024 to enhance collaboration with our subcontractors.

    The Supplier Code of Conduct and the Purchasing Policy are based on these international initiatives: the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, SBTi, occupational health and safety and environmental legislation, the GHG Protocol and ISO 9001 and 14001.

  • Monitoring

    To minimise negative impacts in the supply chain, we inform suppliers about our policies and guidelines. The supplier agreements govern requirements, objectives and obligations such as the completion of supplier surveys and assessments.

    All parties need to approve and sign our Code of Conduct. If any of the requirements of the Code of Conduct are not met, Ocab will work with the supplier to develop an action plan to address the situation. If the supplier does not act in accordance with the action plan, this may lead to the termination of the partnership.

    To track the effectiveness of our procurement and supplier assessment initiatives, we evaluate and monitor suppliers, measure nonconformities and incidents, and collect data and statistics. Supplier data and statistics are subsequently integrated into our targets.

    To manage any negative impact in the supply chain, we follow established processes and procedures. Positive impact and improvements in supplier management are passed on within the organisation and to the supplier.

Focus areas