Renewable energy

Efforts to reduce energy consumption are taking place in parallel in several areas. Ocab’s focus on avoiding demolition in its projects as far as possible has a positive overall impact on the climate.

We need energy to perform our assignments and run our business. We do everything we can to make energy consumption more efficient, and in the bigger picture, we use significantly less energy by restoring rather than demolishing and using new materials wherever possible.

We consume energy primarily in three main areas – in our own premises, for transport and for the machinery we use in projects.

To be as energy efficient as possible in all respects, we endeavour to ensure that the energy consumed is produced as sustainably as possible, avoiding fossil fuel sources.

A challenge and potential adverse impact arise when we lack control over energy contracts in our properties or in customer projects, leading to a risk of energy coming from sources that are not renewable. If our premises use more energy than necessary, this could also have an adverse impact.


  • 100%

    renewable energy in our premises

  • 25%

    of the Group’s vehicle fleet will be electric by 2024

  • 10%

    Improve energy efficiency of projects by 10% by 2024


In our own premises we use electricity and heat. Since 2020, we have compiled statistics on energy consumption and sources to measure our climate impact and energy efficiency.

The energy audit conducted in 2022 in a number of premises resulted in reduced energy consumption and financial savings. Similar measures will be taken in more premises.

Energy consumption in Ocab's premises increased overall in 2023, as we opened 20 new offices comprising about 6,000 new square metres, which is a 33% increase in space.

However, by gaining access to more electricity contracts, we were able to increase the share of renewable electricity from 60% to 74% in 2023.

We have an ongoing procurement process for a Group-wide electricity contract, which will allow us to ensure that all offices have renewable energy that is not dependent on the local landlord.


Energy is mainly needed for travel to and from customer assignments. We travel in company vehicles, and a major initiative is underway to switch the fleet from fossil-powered to electric vehicles. This offers the significant advantage that electricity can be produced from renewable and fossil-free energy sources. This completely eliminates particulate emissions, contributing to better air quality.


In customer projects, we use energy in machines to dehumidify and restore, saving material assets that are more energy-intensive to replace. We endeavour to reduce energy use as much as possible by using energy-efficient dehumidifiers and working methods.

Remote reading of machines allows us to monitor and determine in real time when the dehumidification process is complete. This way, the dehumidifier does not consume any additional energy once the material has reached approved moisture levels. We ensure high-quality training of technicians to increase understanding of efficient working methods and the correct use of machinery and materials.

In 2023, Ocab used remote measurement in 380 projects, compared to about 200 in 2022. The 2024 target is to conduct 1,500 remote measurements.

Read more about what we do in each area