
Download and read our sustaninability and climate reports.

2023 Annual & Sustainability Report

The coverage of this climate report is Ocab Group's total climate impact for the entire operation in 2023, including all indirect emissions upstream and downstream in the value chain.

Climate impact has been divided into the categories Own transports, Energy use in facilities, Energy use from machinery, Purchases, Waste, Business travel and Commuting. The calculations and this report are based on the principles and guidelines of the GHG protocol.

2023 Climate Report

The coverage of this climate report is Ocab Group's total climate impact for the entire operation in 2023, including all indirect emissions upstream and downstream in the value chain.

Climate impact has been divided into the categories Own transports, Energy use in facilities, Energy use from machinery, Purchases, Waste, Business travel and Commuting. The calculations and this report are based on the principles and guidelines of the GHG protocol.

2022 Sustainability Report

At Oleter Group we are very proud to present our first sustainability report, which serves as the foundation for our ongoing work in sustainability. By taking a stance against conventional methods that involve demolition, discarding and rebuilding, we strive to preserve as many values as possible and demonstrate to the industry that it is possible to create both economic and environmental benefits by embracing a more circular business model.

2022 Climate Report

The scope of this climate report is Oleter Group's total climate impact for the entire operation in 2022, including all indirect emissions upstream and downstream in the value chain. Climate impact has been divided into the categories Own transport, Energy use in facilities, Energy use from machinery, Purchases, Waste, Business travel and Commuting. The calculations and this report are based on the principles and guidelines of the GHG protocol.

2021 Climate Report [Swe]

Scopet för denna klimatrapport är Oleter Groups totala klimatpåverkan för hela verksamheten under 2021, inklusive alla indirekta utsläpp uppströms och nedströms i värdekedjan. Klimatpåverkan har delats in i kategorierna Egna transporter, Energi Lokaler, Energi Maskiner, Inköp, Avfall, Affärsresor och Pendling. Beräkningarna och rapporten bygger på GHG-protokollets principer och riktlinjer.

Focus areas