Our employees are proud to work here and many have been here for a long time.
— Åsa Mårtensson, Head of HR at Ocab Sweden

Interview with our Head of HR

What do its employees mean to Ocab?

Our technicians are everyday heroes who are there when disaster strikes, such as water damage, fire or indoor environment problems. They deliver solutions that save economic value and help people in crisis situations. Damage causes serious problems for many people, whether it is to someone’s home or a company’s premises.

What is it like to work at Ocab?

It’s special. Our employees are proud to work here and many have been here for a long time. For example, we have a number of managers who started as technicians and then built a career with us. But perhaps the most important thing is the feeling of being involved in creating value for our customers, which our technicians in particular experience every day.

You have a strong focus on sustainability. What does that mean in your field?

Safety is our top priority. Our aim is to have zero serious accidents, and we want to avoid other injuries as well, of course. Our working environment involves some risks, such as working at height or in confined spaces, or with machinery or chemicals. It is essential to have the right processes and safeguards. We pay close attention to processes, protective equipment and accident-prevention training.

How do you ensure a supply of new talent?

Adapted programmes at the upper-secondary and vocational-school level have long been absent from our industry. It has been our company’s responsibility to train new employees and make sure that relevant training programmes are available. In cooperation with Skellefteå Municipality, in 2023 we developed a vocational programme for PDR technicians and we offer internships across the country. We have also been involved in initiating Sweden's first supplementary training programme for moisture technicians, which is carried out through higher vocational education.

What do you do to enable employees to develop?

There are development plans for everyone and we provide internal leadership training. I am proud that we invest so much in training. Offering opportunities for personal development helps make us an attractive workplace and it is of course important that employees want to stay with us and feel that they are developing here.

Do you aim to increase diversity at the company?

Yes, we pursue that aim in different ways. For example, since 2022, we have been using an anonymised recruitment process in which applicants are anonymous from the start. The aim is to select employees based entirely on their skills, regardless of gender or name, for example, and to make applicants feel safe during the process. It has been positive so far.

How do you know what skills you need?

In 2023, we implemented a new system in which we can see the training and permits our employees have and can easily gain an overview of what we are missing. Permits are for a limited time, and it is important to be aware of when a permit is about to expire. It is a good tool both for training employees and ensuring that we deliver quality.

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