Our focus is to demolish less and dry more. Ocab is very good at drying, saving resources and avoiding demolition, which we think is positive.
— Patrik Bernwall, IF

Sustainability at IF

We talk to Patrik Bernwall, Nora Schnitler and Philip Thörn from insurance company If about how they work with sustainability and avoid damage, and how we can work together for sustainable development and business.

How would you describe sustainability from your perspective and where can you contribute the most?

Our sustainability strategy is based on three commitments: to our customers, to our employees and to society. Within these areas, we focus on the issues that we consider most important and where we can have the greatest impact.

For our customers, it is first and foremost about preventing damage. The most sustainable damage is damage that never happens. But we also recognise that damage is unavoidable, and we want to manage it as sustainably as possible.

One starting point for this is our Supplier Code of Conduct, which is based on the UN Global Compact. We also have sector-specific environmental requirements. These focus on reduced material use, increased repairs, reuse of materials and proper recycling of materials. One challenge is to measure climate footprint and environmental impact well, which is an area of intense effort for us.

Our main focus is to demolish less and carry out more partial repairs, which requires embedding this approach from start to finish with everyone involved and getting everyone to recognise the value of conserving environmental resources. This is important from all dimensions of sustainability and positive in terms of both cost and the environment.

The best damage is damage that never happens. How do you currently take a preventive approach and how could your suppliers, and Ocab specifically, help you with those efforts?

We conduct around 30,000 inspections per year with Nordic homeowners through our ‘House Check’ service. Then it is up to the homeowner whether they want to act on the suggestions we make. In Sweden, individuals who have completed a House Check will have a lower deductible.

For small and medium-sized companies, we have a similar offer called a ‘Building Check’. Customers who have undergone a Building Check show a lower risk of certain types of common damage, which is gratifying from both an economic and environmental perspective. However, we are always open to suggestions and improvements, and welcome insight and ideas for opportunities to improve from Ocab regarding how we can prevent even more damage.

You support and encourage your suppliers to use more sustainable methods. What requirements do you set for them?

We use self-assessment surveys as a first step to see how suppliers apply our Code of Conduct. If we find something concerning, we request additional information. We can also visit suppliers and draw up an action plan if necessary. In addition, sustainability is a natural part of our regular supplier meetings.

We look at how we can work more with our suppliers to achieve our climate goals. We have joined the Science Based Targets initiative and are exploring what climate targets we can set. In the future, the sustainability efforts of our suppliers will play an increasingly important role.

Where can Ocab make the biggest difference for you when it comes to recycling and resource minimisation?

Our focus is to demolish less and dry more. Ocab is very good at drying, saving resources and avoiding demolition, which we think is positive. We look forward to having more discussions in the future for a well-developed cooperation.

Focus areas