Sustainability is at the heart of our business. We use existing resources to create a circular business model.
— Head of Sustainability, Ocab Group

Sustainability is at the heart of our business model

Ocab is constantly exploring opportunities that develop its business and increase interest in resource-efficient methods. During the year, sustainability was integrated into the company’s operational follow-up and initiatives were taken for cooperation across national borders.

In 2023, we focused on the areas in which we have the greatest impact and established strategic action plans to achieve our goals. Sustainability has been integrated into the monthly operational follow-up reported to the Board and management teams in order to boost interest and engagement in our efforts to improve our business.

Our joint strategy efforts have led to closer collaboration across national borders, meaning that we have the same overall focus areas and goals across the Nordic region. We see our large scale as a strength for influencing the industry to move in the right direction. 

Circular model

Sustainability is at the heart of our business. We use existing resources to create a circular business model. For us, sustainability is not an issue to be tackled by individuals or companies alone, which is why we work together across borders to help the entire industry move forward. During the year, we collaborated with trade associations and invited them to climate initiatives and seminars to spread knowledge and find common approaches.

Under the auspices of SFR (Saneringsföretagens Riksförbund – the National Association of Remediation Companies), Ocab moderated two seminars and presented the advantages of restoring movable property instead of demolishing and replacing it, which is financially and environmentally sustainable for everyone involved. These seminars were the first of their kind, and I am proud that Ocab has taken the lead in the transition to circular solutions.

Linear business models based solely on demolition and construction are unsustainable and risk undermining the demand for dehumidification and restoration services. Consequently, our main task is to promote this kind of development, and my hope is to inspire other companies and industries to work together to ensure a sustainable future.

A standing agenda item

Sustainability was a standing item at most of our customer and supplier meetings held during the year. This demonstrates that many people consider the matter important and want to take responsibility. We are starting to move from words to deeds, but we are not quite there yet and will need to dare try new methods to achieve our common sustainability goals.  

Be part of our development in 2024!

Linus Berg

Head of Sustainability, Ocab Group

Focus areas